REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) received many reports of alleged corruption in the rector's election. The reports came from the Ministries, namely the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education and also the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
"We will clarify first about reports that said rector's election system has corruption potential," said Laode M Syarif's KPK deputy chairman.
The potential for corruption in rector's election can come from both Ministries. Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education and Ministry of Religion Affairs have quota to give votes.
"Both have quota 30 percent which is given to the ministers and it can be misused," Laode added.
Laode said KPK had many things to prevent corruption in universities. One of the things was working together to control conflicts of inters in universities.
"Then second, anti-corruption education in universities, third in improving the governance of higher education itself and one of them is about how to improve the system to electors," he explained
KPK Laode said monitored attentively the rector's election system. Earlier, the case related to rector 's election system became viral after former United Development Party (PPP) chairman Muhammad Romahurmuziy was named as suspect in a bribery case center on promotion at Ministry of Religious Affairs.
May 15, 2019 at 06:19PM from Republika Online RSS Feed http://bit.ly/2vWHkrm
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